LAST UPDATE: September 19, 2019

Credit conditions

·         attendance

·         2 tests: (2x100 points) 25.10 and 29.11.

       ≥ 100…assessed

      60-99… one trial for summary test (summary test is worth 100pt, one need at least 50)

       < 60 …one has to repeat the subject

·         Homeworks see below


Topics for oral exam.

Consultationspersonally or by mail. Consultations are not a private tutoring and usually are associated with reasonable attendance. It is assumed that students came into contact with the subject and have specific questions.

Study materials

List of elementary functions

Topic 1: Real function of real variable.

Topic 2: Continuous functions and limits


Practicing begore the first test: Excercises 1.

Practicing begore the second test: Excercises 2.


Lessons and voluntary homeworks

·         1st weekGraphs of transformed elementary functions, domains of definition, composition of the functions. Problems.

·         2nd weekpiecewise defined functions, properties of the functions. Problems.

·         3rd week – inverse functions. Problems.

·         4th weeklimits and derivatives. Problems.

·         5th week- derivatives and function behavior. Problems

·         6th weekgraphing functions. Problems.

·         7th week – Problems.

·         8th and 9th weeks – Problems.

·         10th week – Problems.

·         11th and 12th  weeksProblems

·         12th and 14th weeks. – Problems.

