Homepage > Countries > Trinidad and Tobago
Name: Trinidad and Tobago
Capital: Port-of-Spain

First colonized by the Spanish, the islands came under British control in the early 19th century. The islands' sugar industry was hurt by the emancipation of the slaves in 1834. Manpower was replaced with the importation of contract laborers from India between 1845 and 1917, which boosted sugar production as well as the cocoa industry. The discovery of oil on Trinidad in 1910 added another important export. Independence was attained in 1962. The country is one of the most prosperous in the Caribbean thanks largely to petroleum and natural gas production and processing. Tourism, mostly in Tobago, is targeted for expansion and is growing.
Caribbean, islands between the Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, northeast of Venezuela
Total Land Water
5128 sq km 5128 sq km 0 sq km
Number: 1056608 (July 2007 est.)

Age structure
0-14 15-64 65+
Percentage share (count, rate) 19.5% (male 105,994/female 100,156) 71.6% (male 397,699/female 358,755) 8.9% (male 42,039/female 51,965)

Population grow rate: -0.883% (2007)
Birth rate: 13.07 (2007)
Death rate: 10.76 (2007)
Net migration rate: -11.13 (2007)
Sex birth rate: 1.05 male(s)/female (2007)

Sex rate
0-14 15-64 65+
1.058 male(s)/female 0-14 1.109 male(s)/female 15-64

Infant mortality
Total Male Female
24.33 total 26.15 deaths/1,000 live births male 22.43 deaths/1,000 live births female
Life expectancy
Total Male Female
66.85 years total 65.87 years male 67.87 years female
1.74 (2007) Leteracy (age 15 and over can read and write)
Total Male Female
98.6% total 99.1% male 98% female
Gross domestic product - Purchasing power parity: 21060000000.0 (2006)
Gross domestic product - Real growth rate: 11.7% (2006)
Gross domestic product - Per capita: 19800 (2006)
Unemployment rate: 7
Population below poverty line: 21
Internet - Country code: tt
Internet - Hosts: 24,681 (2007)
Internet - Users: 163 (2005)