Homepage > Countries > Sri Lanka
Name: Sri Lanka
Capital: Colombo

The Sinhalese arrived in Sri Lanka late in the 6th century B.C. probably from northern India. Buddhism was introduced beginning in about the mid-third century B.C., and a great civilization developed at the cities of Anuradhapura (kingdom from circa 200 B.C. to circa A.D. 1000) and Polonnaruwa (from about 1070 to 1200). In the 14th century, a south Indian dynasty seized power in the north and established a Tamil kingdom. Occupied by the Portuguese in the 16th century and by the Dutch in the 17th century, the island was ceded to the British in 1796, became a crown colony in 1802, and was united under British rule by 1815. As Ceylon, it became independent in 1948; its name was changed to Sri Lanka in 1972. Tensions between the Sinhalese majority and Tamil separatists erupted into war in 1983. Tens of thousands have died in the ethnic conflict that continues to fester. After two decades of fighting, the government and Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) formalized a cease-fire in February 2002 with Norway brokering peace negotiations. Violence between the LTTE and government forces intensified in 2006, but neither side has formally withdrawn from the cease-fire.
Southern Asia, island in the Indian Ocean, south of India
Total Land Water
65610 sq km 64740 sq km 870 sq km
Number: 20926315 (July 2007 est.)

Age structure
0-14 15-64 65+
Percentage share (count, rate) 24.3% (male 2,596,295/female 2,495,949) 67.9% (male 6,947,310/female 7,259,271) 7.8% (male 765,507/female 861,983)

Population grow rate: 0.982% (2007)
Birth rate: 17 (2007)
Death rate: 6.01 (2007)
Net migration rate: -1.16 (2007)
Sex birth rate: 1.04 male(s)/female (2007)

Sex rate
0-14 15-64 65+
1.04 male(s)/female 0-14 0.957 male(s)/female 15-64

Infant mortality
Total Male Female
19.45 total 21.2 deaths/1,000 live births male 17.63 deaths/1,000 live births female
Life expectancy
Total Male Female
74.8 years total 72.81 years male 76.88 years female
2.05 (2007) Leteracy (age 15 and over can read and write)
Total Male Female
90.7% total 92.3% male 89.1% female
Gross domestic product - Purchasing power parity: 95460000000.0 (2006)
Gross domestic product - Real growth rate: 7.4% (2006)
Gross domestic product - Per capita: 4700 (2006)
Unemployment rate: 7.6
Population below poverty line: 22
Internet - Country code: lk
Internet - Hosts: 6,198 (2007)
Internet - Users: 428 (2006)