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F. Li et al.
CACHE Challenge #1: Targeting the WDR Domain of LRRK2,
A Parkinson's Disease Associated Protein
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 64(22) 8521-8536 (2024).
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J. Beránek, A. Křenek & V. Spiwok
Analysis of metadynamics simulations by metadynminer.py
Bioinformatics 40(10) btae614 (2024).
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A. Chayka, M. Danda, A. Dostálková, V. Spiwok, A. Klimešová, M. Kapisheva, M. Zgarbová, J. Weber, T. Ruml, M. Rumlová & Z. Janeba
Developing Allosteric Inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase
ChemMedChem 19(23) e202400367 (2024).
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P. Kříž, J. Beránek & V. Spiwok
Uncertainties of Predictions from Temperature Replica Exchange Simulations
Journal Chemical Physics 160 184116 (2024).
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M. Kurfiřt, V. Hamala, J. Beránek, L. Červenková Šťastná, J. Červený, M. Dračínský,
J. Bernášková, V. Spiwok, Z. Bosáková, P. Bojarová & J. Karban
Synthesis and unexpected binding of monofluorinated N,N'-diacetylchitobiose and LacdiNAc to wheat germ agglutinin
Bioorganic Chemistry 147 107395 (2024).
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H. Hradiská, M. Kurečka, J. Beránek, G. Tedeschi, V. Višňovský, A. Křenek & V. Spiwok
Acceleration of Molecular Simulations by Parametric Time-Lagged tSNE Metadynamics
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 128(4) 903-913 (2024).
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V. Finger, T. Kucera, R. Kafkova, L. Muckova, R. Dolezal, J. Kubes, M. Novak, L. Prchal, L. Lakatos, M. Andrs,
M. Hympanova, J. Marek, M. Kufa, V. Spiwok, O. Soukup, E. Mezeiova, J. Janousek, L. Nevosadova, M. Benkova,
R.R.A. Kitson, M. Kratky, S. Bosze, K. Mikusova, R. Hartkoorn, J. Roh & J. Korabecny
2,6-Disubstituted 7-(naphthalen-2-ylmethyl)-7H-purines as a new class of potent antitubercular agents inhibiting DprE1
European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 258 115611 (2023).
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P. Kříž, J. Beránek & V. Spiwok
Free Energy Differences from Molecular Simulations: Exact Confidence Intervals from Transition Counts
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 19(7) 2102-2108 (2023).
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D. Trapl & V. Spiwok
Analysis of the Results of Metadynamics Simulations by metadynminer and metadynminer3d
R Journal 14(3) 46-58 (2022).
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V. Spiwok, M. Kurečka & A. Křenek
Collective Variable for Metadynamics Derived from AlphaFold Output
Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 9 878133 (2022).
D. Trapl, M. Krupička, V. Višňovský, J. Hozzová, J. Oľha, A. Křenek & V. Spiwok
Property map collective variable as a useful tool for force field correction
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 62(3) 567-576 (2022).
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T. Kovaľová, T. Kovaľ, J. Stránský, P. Kolenko, J. Dušková, L. Švecová, P. Vodičková, V. Spiwok, E. Benešová, P. Lipovová & J. Dohnálek
The first structure-function study of GH151 α-L-fucosidase uncovers new oligomerization pattern,
active site complementation, and selective substrate specificity
FEBS Journal 289(16) 4998-5020 (2022). ON THE COVER
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I. Walsh, D. Fishman, D. Garcia-Gasulla, T. Titma, G. Pollastri, ELIXIR Machine Learning Focus Group, J. Harrow, F. E. Psomopoulos & S. C. E. Tosatto
DOME: Recommendations for supervised machine learning validation in biology
Nature Methods 18 1122-1127 (2021).
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T. Přerovská, A. Pavlů, D. Hancharyk, A. Rodionova, A. Vavříková & V. Spiwok
Structural basis of the function of Yariv reagent – An important tool to study arabinogalactan proteins
Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 8 682858 (2021).
J. Bejček, M. Jurášek, V. Spiwok, & S. Rimpelová
Quo vadis cardiac glycoside research?
Toxins 13 344 (2021).
J. Bejček, V. Spiwok, E. Kmoníčková & S. Rimpelová
Na+/K+-ATPase revisited: On its mechanism of action, role in cancer, and relevant inhibitors
Molecules 26(7) 1905 (2021).
E. Benešová, Z. Šućur, M. Těšínský, V. Spiwok & P. Lipovová
Transglycosylation abilities of β-D-galactosidases from GH family 2
3 Biotech 11 168 (2021).
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J. Bejček, V. Spiwok, E. Kmoníčková, T. Ruml & S. Rimpelová
Kardioglykosidy: terapeutický potenciál pro léčbu nádorových onemocnění
Chemické Listy 115 4-12 (2021).
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T. Přerovská, S. Henke, R. Bleha, V. Spiwok, S. Gillarová, J.-C. Yvin, V. Ferrières, E. Nguema-Ona, P. Lipovová
Arabinogalactan-like glycoproteins from Ulva lactuca (Chlorophyta)
show unique features compared to land plants AGPs
Journal of Phycology 57(2) 619-635 (2021).
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M. Zanin et al.
An early stage researcher's primer on systems medicine terminology
Network and Systems Medicine 4(1) 2-50 (2021).
H. Wang et al.
Deep Learning in Systems Medicine
Briefings in Bioinformatics 22(2) 1543-1559 (2021).
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C. O. Solanke, D. Trapl, Z. Šućur, V. Mareška, I. Tvaroška & V. Spiwok
Atomistic simulation of carbohydrate-protein complex formation: Hevein-32 domain
Scientific Reports 9 18918 (2019).
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V. Pavlíčková, S. Rimpelová, M. Jurášek, K. Záruba, J. Fähnrich, I. Křížová, J. Bejček, Z. Rottnerová, V. Spiwok, P. Drašar & T. Ruml
PEGylated purpurin 18 with improved solubility: Potent compounds for photodynamic therapy of cancer
Molecules 24(24), 4477 (2019).
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G. Verkhivker, F.L. Gervasio & V. Spiwok
Editorial: Machine Learning in Biomolecular Simulations
Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 6, 76 (2019).
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S. Rimpelová, M. Jurášek, L. Peterková, J. Bejček, V. Spiwok, M. Majdl, M. Jirásko, M. Buděšínský, J. Harmatha,
E. Kmoníčková, P. Drašar, T. Ruml
Archangelolide: Sesquiterpene lactone with immunobiological
potential from Laserpitium archangelica
Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry 15, 1933-1944 (2019). |
PLUMED Consortium
Promoting transparency and
reproducibility in enhanced molecular simulations
Nature Methods 16 667-673 (2019).
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D. Trapl, I. Horvaćanin, V. Mareška, F. Özçelik, G. Unal & V. Spiwok
anncolvar: Approximation of Complex Collective
Variables by Artificial Neural Networks for Analysis and Biasing of Molecular Simulations
Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 6, 25 (2019).
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F. L. Gervasio, V. Spiwok, R. Mannhold (Editors), H. Buschmann, J. Holenz (Series Editors)
Biomolecular Simulations in Structure-Based Drug Discovery (Methods and Principles in Medicinal Chemistry) 1st Edition
(2019). | |
L. Hernychová, M. Rosůlek, A. Kádek, V. Mareška, J. Chmelík, L. Adámková,
V. Grobárová, O. Šebesta, Z. Kukačka, K. Skála, V. Spiwok, J. Černý & P. Novák
The C-type lectin-like receptor Nkrp1b:
structural proteomics reveals features affecting protein conformation and interactions
Journal of Proteomics 196 162-172 (2019). | |
T. Kovaľová, T. Kovaľ, E. Benešová, P. Vodičková V. Spiwok, P. Lipovová & J. Dohnálek
Active Site Complementation and Hexameric Arrangement in the GH Family
29: A Structure-Function Study of α-L-Fucosidase Isoenzyme 1 from Paenibacillus thiaminolyticus
Glycobiology 29(1) 59-73 (2019). | |
M. Jurášek, M. Černohorská, J. Řehulka, V. Spiwok, T. Sulimenko, E. Dráberová, M. Darmostuk, S. Gurská,
I. Frydrych, R. Buriánová, T. Ruml, M. Hajdúch, P. Bartůněk, P. Dráber, P. Džubák, P. B. Drašar & D. Sedlák
Estradiol Dimer Inhibits Tubulin Polymerization and Microtubule Dynamics
Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 183 68-79 (2018). | |
A. Janská, P. Svoboda, V. Spiwok, L. Kučera & J. Ovesná
The Dehydration Stress of Couch Grass is Associated with its Lipid Metabolism, the Induction of Transporters and the Reprogramming of Development Coordinated by ABA
BMC Genomics 19 317 (2018). |  |
L. Bumba, D. Laaf, V. Spiwok, L. Elling, V. Křen & P. Bojarová
Poly-N-acetyllactosamine Neo-Glycoproteins as Nanomolar Ligands of Human Galectin-3: Binding Kinetics and Modeling
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 19(2) 372 (2018). |  |
P. Svoboda, A. Janská, V. Spiwok, I.T. Prášil, K. Kosová, P. Vítámvás & J. Ovesná
Global Scale Transcriptional Profiling of Two Contrasting Barley Genotypes Exposed to Moderate Drought Conditions: Contribution of Leaves and Crowns to Water Shortage Coping Strategies
Frontiers in Plant Science 7 1958 (2016) |  |
T. Kroupa, H. Langerová, M. Doležal, J. Prchal, V. Spiwok, E. Hunter, M. Rumlová, R. Hrabal & T. Ruml
Membrane Interactions of the Mason-Pfizer Monkey Virus Matrix Protein and its Budding Deficient Mutants
Journal of Molecular Biology 228(23) 4708-4722 (2016). | |
P. Junková, J. Prchal, V. Spiwok, R. Pleskot, J. Kadlec, L. Krásný, R. Hynek, R. Hrabal & T. Ruml
Molecular Aspects of the Interaction Between Mason-Pfizer Monkey Virus Matrix Protein and Artificial Phospholipid Membrane
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 84(11) 1717-1727 (2016). | |
Z. Šućur & V. Spiwok
Sampling Enhancement and Free Energy Prediction by Flying Gaussian Method
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 12(9) 4644-4650 (2016).
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I. Chlubnová, B. Králová, H. Dvořáková, V. Spiwok, D. Filipp, C. Nugier-Chauvin, R. Daniellou & V. Ferrières
Biocatalyzed Synthesis of Difuranosides and their Ability to Trigger Production of TNF-α
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 26(6) 1550-1553 (2016). | |
P. Hošek, D. Toulcová, A. Bortolato & V. Spiwok
Altruistic Metadynamics: Multisystem Biased Simulation
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 120(9) 2209-2215 (2016). | |
P. Hošek & V. Spiwok
Metadyn View: Fast Web-Based Viewer of Free Energy Surfaces Calculated by Metadynamics
Computer Physics Communications 198 222-229 (2016). | try it! |
Kolektiv autorů pod vedením prof. Kodíčka
Slovník chemických pojmů aneb Chemické pomněnky (aplikace pro OS Android)
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P. Hošek & V. Spiwok
Už jste vyzkoušeli Metadyn View?
Bioprospect 25 51-53 (2015). |  |
S. Haldar, P. Kührová, P. Banáš, V. Spiwok, J. Šponer, P. Hobza & M. Otyepka
Insights into Stability and Folding of GNRA and UNCG Tetraloops Revealed by Microseconds Molecular Dynamics and Well Tempered Metadynamics
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 11(8) 3866-3877 (2015). | |
E. Benešová, P. Lipovová, J. Krejzová, T. Kovaľová, P. Buchtová, V Spiwok & B. Králová
α-L-Fucosidase Isoenzyme iso2 from Paenibacillus thiaminolyticus
BMC Biotechnology 15 36 (2015). |  |
V. Spiwok, P. Oborský, J. Pazúriková, A. Křenek & B. Králová
Nonlinear vs. Linear Biasing in Trp-cage Folding Simulations
Journal of Chemical Physics 142 115101 (2015). | |
V. Mareška, I. Tvaroška, B. Králová & V. Spiwok
Molecular Simulations of Hevein/(GlcNAc)3 Complex with Weakened OH/O and CH/π Hydrogen Bonds: Implications for their Role in Complex Stabilization
Carbohydrate Research 408 1-7 (2015). | |
V. Spiwok, P. Hošek & Z. Šućur
Enhanced Sampling Techniques in Biomolecular Simulations
Biotechnology Advances 6 pt 2 1130-1140 (2015). | |
K. Strohalmová-Bohmová, V. Spiwok, M. Lepšík, R. Hadravová, I. Křížová, P. Ulbrich, I. Pichová, L. Bednář, T. Ruml & M. Rumlová
Role of Mason-Pfizer monkey virus CA-NC spacer peptide-like domain in assembly of immature particles
Journal of Virology 88(24) 14148-14160 (2014). | |
M.A. Corral-Rodríguez, M. Stuiver, G. Abascal-Palacios, T. Diercks, I. Oyenarte, J. Ereño-Orbea, A. Ibáñez De Opakua, F.J. Blanco,
J.A. Encinar, V. Spiwok, H. Terashima, A. Accardi, D. Müller & L.A. Martinez-Cruz
Nucleotide Binding Triggers a Conformational Change of the CBS Module
of the Magnesium Transporter CNNM2 from a Twisted towards a Flat Structure.
Biochemical Journal 464(1) 23-34 (2014). | |
V. Pliška, G. Folkers & V. Spiwok
Thermodynamics of the Interaction Between Oxytocin and its
Myometrial Receptor in Sheep: A Stepwise Binding Mechanism
Biochemical Pharmacology 91 119-127 (2014). | |
I. Chlubnová, B. Králová, H. Dvořáková, P. Hošek, V. Spiwok, D. Filipp, C. Nugier-Chauvin, R. Daniellou & V. Ferrières
The versatile enzyme Araf51 allowed efficient synthesis of rare pathogen-related
β-D-galactofuranosyl-pyranoside disaccharides.
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 12 3080-3089 (2014). |  |
A. Macurkova, T. Neubauerova, K. Poncova, R. Jezek, P. Lovecka, V. Spiwok, M. Mackova & T. Macek
Effect of Chain Elongation on Biological Properties of
the Toxin Paralysin β-Alanyl-tyrosine.
Chemical Biology & Drug Design 84 418-426 (2014). | |
S. Haldar, V. Spiwok & P. Hobza
On the Association of the Base Pairs on the Silica Surface Based
on Free Energy Biased Molecular Dynamics Simulation and Quantum Mechanical Calculations.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 11066-11075 (2013). | |
P. Oborský, I. Tvaroška, B. Králová, V. Spiwok
Toward an Accurate Conformational Modeling of Iduronic Acid.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 117 1003-1009 (2013). | |
J. Krejzová, P. Šimon, E. Vavříková, K. Slámová, H. Pelantová, S. Riva, V. Spiwok & V. Křen
Enzymatic Synthesis of New C-6-Acylated Derivatives
of NAG-Thiazoline and Evaluation of their Inhibitor Activities Towards Fungal β-N-Acetylhexosaminidase.
Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 87 128-134 (2013). | |
A. Hnízda, V. Spiwok, V. Jurga, V. Kožich, M. Kodíček & J. P. Kraus
Cross-Talk between the Catalytic Core and the Regulatory Domain in Cystathionine β-Synthase: Study by Differential Covalent Labeling and Computational Modeling.
Biochemistry 49 10526-10534 (2010). | |
V. Spiwok, B. Králová & I. Tvaroška
Modelling of β-D-Glucopyranose Ring Distortion in Different Force Fields: A Metadynamics Study.
Carbohydrate Research 335 530-537 (2010). | |
I. Chlubnová, D. Filipp, V. Spiwok, H. Dvořáková, R. Daniellou, C. Nugier-Chauvin, B. Králová & V. Ferrières
Enzymatic Synthesis of oligo-D-Galactofuranosides and L-Arabinofuranosides: From Molecular Dynamics to Immunological Assays.
Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry 8 2092-2102 (2010). | |
V. Spiwok, B. Králová & I. Tvaroška
Continuous Metadynamics in Essential Coordinates as a Tool for Free Energy Modelling of Conformational Changes.
Journal of Molecular Modeling 14 995-1002 (2008). | |
H. Valdes, V. Spiwok, J. Rezac, D. Reha, A.G. Abo-Riziq, M.S. de Vries & P. Hobza
Potential-Energy and Free-Energy Surfaces of Glycyl-Phenylalanyl-Alanine (GFA) Tripeptide: Experiment and Theory.
Chemistry — A European Journal 14 4886-4898 (2008). | |
D. Desbouis, H. Struthers, V. Spiwok, T. Kuster & R. Schibli
Synthesis, In Vitro, and In Silico Evaluation of Organometallic Technetium and Rhenium Thymidine Complexes
with Retained Substrate Activity Toward Human Thymidine Kinase Type 1
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 51 6689-6698 (2008). | |
V. Spiwok, P. Lipovová & B. Králová
Metadynamics in Essential Coordinates: Free Energy Simulation of Conformational Changes.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 111 3073-3076 (2007).
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M. Stichelberger, D. Desbouis, V. Spiwok, L. Scapozza, P.A. Schubiger & R. Schibli
Synthesis, In Vitro and In silico Assessment of Organometallic Rhenium(I) and Technetium(I) Thymidine Complexes.
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 692 1255-1264 (2007).
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V. Spiwok, P. Lipovová, T. Skálová, J. Dušková, J. Dohnálek, J. Hašek, N. J. Russell & B. Králová
Cold-Active Enzymes Studied by Comparative Molecular Dynamics Simulation.
Journal of Molecular Modeling 13 485-497 (2007). | |
V. Spiwok, P. Lipovová, T. Skálová, E. Vondráčková, J. Dohnálek, J. Hašek & B. Králová
Modelling of Carbohydrate-Aromatic Interactions: Ab Initio Energetics and Force Field Performance.
Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 19 887-901 (2005).
T. Skálová, J. Dohnálek, V. Spiwok, P. Lipovová, E. Vondráčková, H. Petroková, J. Dušková, H. Strnad, B. Králová & J. Hašek
Cold-active β-Galactosidase from Arthrobacter sp. C2-2 Forms Compact 660 kDa Hexamers: Crystal Structure at 1.9 Å Resolution.
Journal of Molecular Biology 353 282-294 (2005). | |
H. Petroková, E. Vondráčková, T. Skálová, J. Dohnálek, P. Lipovová, V. Spiwok, H. Strnad, B. Králová & J. Hašek
Crystallization and Preliminary X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of Cold-Active β-Galactosidase from Arthrobacter sp. C2-2.
Collection of Czech Chemical Communications 70 124-132 (2005). | |