Pictures and movies of molecular systems

Data for pictures and movies were obtained by software package MACSIMUS, pictures by Mark VandeWettering "reasonably intelligent raytracer" (MTV RayTracer), stereograms by original software.
Creative Commons License
These pictures and movies are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.


PF (< french pour féliciter, for your happiness) means "Happy New Year" in Czech


Classical stereo pictures

The left pair of pictures (left and central) is for "parallel eyes" eyes, i.e., you should "view through" the screen, in other words watch an imaginary point behind the screen (similarly as for the stereograms below). The right pair (central and right picture) is for "crossed eyes", i.e., you should watch a point in between the screen and your eyes (to do this, it may help to put a finger in front of your nose and to move it gradually towards the screen, when the finger is approximately in the middle, both pictures behind the finger should merge into one stereo picture). Some people prefer the "view through" style, some the "crossed eyes" one.

3D illusion on a flat screen—stereograms

how to watch stereogram All stereograms are of the "parallel eye" or "view through" type, i.e., you should watch an imaginary point behind the screen. Preferred screen size is 1024x768 or larger at 72-120 dpi, on 800x600 displays it is recommended to view the image in a new window (Unix: click the link by middle mouse button, Windoze: right mouse and select New Window), make it fullscreen, eventually center the image using scroll bars. Recommended distance from the screen is 25-50 cm (10-20&qquot;).

I know that the above instructions are useless for many people who cannot control their eyes independently (in the same way as it is hopeless to play a tone on a violin and let me search for the corresponding key on a piano). The following hints sometimes help:

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