NOAA Sunrise/Sunset Calculator


  Lat.:   ° ' ''
  Long.:° ' ''
  Offset to UTC: hr (W=+)

Daylight saving:



Eq. of time: min
Sun decl.:   °


Select a location from the City pulldown menu, OR select "Enter Lat/Long -->" from the pulldown menu, and manually enter the latitude, longitude and time zone information in the appropriate text boxes. The following sign conventions are used:
QuantityPositive in
Longitudewestern hemisphere
Latitude northern hemisphere
Offset of UTCwestern hemisphere
Latitude and Longitude can be in deg/min/sec, or decimal degrees entered in the first Lat/Long field. If you select a city from the pulldown menu, the latitude, longitude and time zone fields will be filled in automatically. If you want to input latitude, longitude or time zone manually, be sure to select "Enter Lat/Long -->" from the City pulldown box, or your numbers will be overwritten by the selected city's location.
You can enter a different time zone for a location by selecting "Enter Lat/Long -->" in the City pulldown box. Otherwise, the time zone associated with the selected city's Local Standard Time will be automatically entered.

The program retrieves the current date from your computer, and fills the month, day and year fields. To perform calculations for a different date, simply select a month in the pull down menu, and enter the day and four digit year in the appropriate input boxes.
Selecting "Yes" in the Daylight Saving field will cause the resulting sunrise, sunset and solar noon times to be adjusted forward one hour.

Click the "Go!" button to update the results for the date selected.
The "Loc.:" fields show the times of sunrise, noon and sunset in the selected local time.
The "UTC:" fields show the Coordinated Universal Time values.

For locations above the Arctic Circle and below the Antarctic Circle, when a sunrise or sunset does not occur on the given day the program locates the local time and date of the most recent sunrise or sunset, and the next sunset or sunrise. When this occurs, the UTC fields will display "prior" or "next" information instead of the UTC times.
NOTE: For latitudes greater than 72 degrees N and S, calculations are accurate to within 10 minutes. For latitudes less than +/- 72° accuracy is approximately one minute.

This is NOAA Improved Sunrise/Sunset Calculator simplified for PDA by JK.